Hot summer outfit in style of 1933-1934s with real vintage ecru silk hat

How wonderful are the light and especially all shades of cream-colored hats! But, unfortunately, most of them, if they are vintage, they reach our days, soiled and stained. However, that is not the case with this 1930s one, made of soft and tender but dense ecru silk. The history of my acquisition of this hat is curious. When I first visited Spain some years ago, this hat was already on sale in the local vintage shop. Because I was going through a life crisis, I had a different style and therefore I did not buy it. Later, when I settled in this small town, I visited this vintage shop for several years and the hat had still been sold there. But I was not yet ready to return to the classic feminine style. But one day the time has come and my style and desire to collect real and very vintage items have finally required me to start collecting such hats also. The year before last, in my small town, for some reason, there were almost no vintage hats on sale. So I decided to pay at...