Sketch about most important winter holidays

Very little time is left before the coming of, perhaps, the most insane series of holidays. Insane in terms of the amount of harm brought to the Nature, and therefore to the Mankind. This includes a bacchanal of shopping for gifts, Christmas trees, Christmas decorations and other nonsense things that pollute the environment to the post-apocalyptic state. But do people think about that? I think no, because they don't talk about that on TV. They talk about pollution from industrial enterprises, about the dangers of cows, chickens or sheep as the main causes of the so-called "global warming". But not a word about how much it costs to the Nature the celebration of their favorite holidays: the Christmas, the first day of the New Year, and the Three Kings. For example, every year around 120 million trees are cut down around the World for the Christmas and New Year holidays. Usually, spruces, pines and fir trees at least 2 meters in height are used. In large cities, trees with 4...